The Friends Foundation awards 4 different scholarships totaling $7,500 annually to graduating seniors from Molokai High School. All awards are need based and all awards can be deferred until needed. Students can take their award in their Sophomore, Junior, or Senior year. Award recipients need not be the top achievers, but must show proof of College, University, 2 year college or trade school acceptance.
Friends Scholarship – Established by the Friends Foundation. Award 2 – $1,000 Scholarships. Need based. Not necessarily high academic achievement. Preference given to first time family members pursuing higher education degree. Recipients can defer award until funds are needed. Donations can be made to the Friends Foundation, earmarked for the Friends Scholarship.
Kukui Malamalama Scholarship – Established in the memory of former Molokai High School graduate, Kekuhaupio Likua. Donors for this fund wanted recipients for this award to display the type of character and humility that Kekuhaupio displayed. Keku was not the top student in his class, but worked hard, was very humble, and became a successful contributing member in our community. Need based. Two awards are given, $2,000 each, one to a female recipient and one to a male recipient. Donations can be made to the Foundation, earmarked for the Kukui Malamalama Scholarship.
Yola Meyer Forbes Scholarship – This is a $1,000 scholarship. Need based. Preference given to first time family members pursuing higher education degree. Donations can be made to the Friends Foundation, earmarked for the Yola Meyer Forbes Fund.
Earl Nakamura Scholarship – This scholarship was established to honor esteemed former teacher, counselor, and friend, Mr. Earl Nakamura. A $1,000 award is given to a student pursuing a 4 year BA or 2 year AA degree, and a $500 award is given for trade school applicants.